Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it chances your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
Selasa, 14 Juli 2009
Tujuan pertama kita di Kota Suzhou adalah LionGroveGarden atau biasa dikenal dengan nama Shizilin. Taman tersebut merupakan salah satu dari 4 taman yang terkenal dan representative bergaya klasik kuno di kotaSuzhou. Ketiga taman yg lain yaitu Blue Wave Pavilion (Canglangta), LingeringGarden (Liuyuan) dan Humble Administrator’s Garden (Zhuozhengyuan). Tapi kita nggak pergi ke ketiga taman tersebut.
Our first destination of Suzhou was The LionGroveGarden or usually called Shizilin. The garden is one of the four most famous and representative gardens of an ancient classical style in Suzhou city. The other three are Blue Wave Pavilion (Canglangta), LingeringGarden (Liuyuan) and Humble Administrator’s Garden (Zhuozhengyuan). But we didn’t go to the other three gardens.
Lion Grove Garden dibangun tahun 1342 sebelum Dynasty Yuan oleh biksu Tianru dan kelompok aliran Budha Zen untuk mengenang guru besar mereka biksu Zhongfeng. Sering dengan berjalannya waktu, nama dan orang-orang kaya yang memilikinya pun berubah-ubah. Kemudian ahli waris terakhir melimpahkannya kepada rakyat Repulik China. Sehingga dari sejak itu, taman tersebut terjaga dan terpelihara dengan baik, juga terbuka untuk umum. NamaLionGroveGarden diambil dari batu karang besar di dalam taman yang bentuknya seperti bentuk singa. Hmmm … gue nggak tahu gimana orang-orang China ngeliat batu karang besar itu seperti singa, gue perhatiin sama sekali nggak ada mirip-miripnya tuh sama singa… he he he he … Sayangnya waktu kita berkunjung ke sana pas musim dingin, jadi nggak bisa ngeliat gimana indahnya taman ini dengan bunga warna-warni di sana sini. Kita cuma bisa ngeliat batu-batu karang, kolam dan pohon-pohon kering.
The LionGroveGarden has build in 1342 during the Yuan Dynasty by Monk Tianru and a group of Zen Buddhist disciples as a memorial of their master-Monk Zhongfeng. By the number of time, the garden has changed names and hands by many rich peoples. Then the last heir was donated to People’s Republic of China. From then on, the garden entered a steady and well-protected period, also open for public viewing. The LionGroveGarden got its name by having huge rock garden with lion look a like rock landscaping. Hmmm… I don’t know how Chinese peoples saw it, but I didn’t see how the rock looks like lion … he he he he he….. Frankly we visited the garden on the cold season, so we on the winter time, so we couldn’t see how beautiful the garden with flowers in everywhere. We only saw rocks, the water pond and dry plants.
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