Selasa, 14 Juli 2009

(10) SUZHOU - On the Way to Suzhou

Cuma yang gue heran, kenapa ya…tahun baru tapi nggak berasa tahun baru kayak di Indonesia, terutama Bali meriah banget. Sepanjang jalan ke Suzhou suasana rasanya sepi, sunyi, dan nggak keliatan orang. Malah gue pikir kayak kota mati ditinggalin penduduknya. Gue sempet SMS sama beberapa temen di Indonesia tentang suasana Tahun Baru ini. Lucu-lucu mereka nge-reply SMS gue. McD bilang, elo salah kota kali … hi hi hi hi hi….nggak tahu juga ya…. Then Irene bilang, orang China-nya lagi pada shopping ke Plaza Bali semua … hi hi hi hi hi…gue emang ngebayangin itu sih.

I was surprised, why the Chinese New Year was not look like a Chinese New Year in Indonesia, especially in Bali so merry. The situation on the way to Suzhou was very quiet, deserted, and no body. Moreover I thought look like deadly city where left by the peoples. I sent SMS to some friend in Indonesia regarding the situation of the Chinese New Year. They were replying with funny SMS. McD test me, ‘I think you are in the wrong city’ …hi hi hi hi hi …I don’t think so …. Then Irene text me, ‘all Chinese people are shopping at Plaza Bali … hi hi hi hi hi … I imagined that actually.

Kota Suzhou terkenal dengan sebutan Venice dari Timur. Kota tua di pinggiran negri China ini dikelilingi air. Tempat ini menarik wisatawan karena transportasi sungai, jembatan-jembatan, dan rumah-rumah tradisional kuno dengan tembok-tembok putih dan atap berwarna gelap yang sengaja masih dipertahankan oleh pemerintah China. Sayangnya kita nggak dibawa guidenya sightseeing naik perahu seperti waktu di Xitang. Padahal gue pengen banget ngeliat tempatnya Dian Sastro photo shooting untuk Kayu Manis Resort yang kata Harris ngambil background kota kuna ini. Kalo ngeliat foto-fotonya dian Sastro sih tempatnya mirip dengan kota Xitang.

Suzhou city is very famous called The Venice of The East. Around the ancient town in the suburban of China country are bounded by water. Among the things of tourist interest are the waterways, bridge, and traditional ancient houses with white walls and dark roof-tiles which have been under protection by China government. Frankly the guide didn’t bring us sightseeing by boat like in Xitang town whereas I would like to see the place where Dian Sastro (the famous Indonesian actress) took photo shooting for Kayu Manis Resort. Harris told me that they took the background shooting in this city. When I saw Dian Sastro picture, the place looks like Xitang town.

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