Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


Hore….Naik perahu lagi …. Wah seru banget!! Kita naik perahu di sepanjang sungai Yangtze yang membelah kota Xi Tang. Rumah-rumah kuno di sepanjang sungai dan jembatan-jembatan penghubung sungai yang kita lewati menjadi pemandangan yang sangat menarik. Sungai Yangtze terkenal memiliki banyak jembatan-jembatan penghubung yang berbeda-beda bentuknya satu sama lain. Di sisi kanan kiri sepanjang sungai terdapat corridor untuk para pejalan kaki. Hampir semua corridor memiliki atap untuk melindungi dari panasnya matahari ataupun hujan. So pada waktu jalan kaki di Xi Tang, kita nggak bakalan kehujanan ataupun kepanasan sinar matahari. Ada juga panggung teater kuno di sisi kiri sungai yang menyajikan atraksi Chinese Opera seperti di film-film China yang sering gue tonton. Orang-orang menonton opera dari seberang sungai. Lucu juga rasanya ngeliat perahu-perahu lewat begitu aja diantara panggung dan penonton, termasuk perahu yang kita naikin. Malah gue juga sempet lihat orang-orang mandi dan nyuci baju di sungai persis kayak orang-orang desa di Indonesia.

Oleeee… Cruise again! …. So cool!! We ride boat at
Yangtze River where divided Xi Tang town. It’s interesting to see the ancient houses and the bridges along the river. The Yangtze River is very famous with many bridges cross over the river. At the left river side there are corridor ways for walker. Mostly, it is tile-roofed and built along the riverside, providing shelter for people to avoid either the baking of hot sun or the rain. So, while walking in Xi Tang, you can never be caught in the rain or exposed to searing sun. There is a Chinese opera performance at the left riverside like in the Chinese movie which I watched. People watch the opera show from the cross of the river. Looks funny when I saw boats passed away between the opera and the spectators included our boat. I actually also saw people wash clothes in the river same likes Indonesian people in the villages.

Begitu turun dari perahu, gue serasa berada di dunia lain. Jalan kaki di sepanjang corridor, ngeliat perahu-perahu di sungai, ngeliat kios-kios tua dan penduduk setempat yang berjualan, gue serasa ada di kehidupan jaman dulu. Di kota tua Xi Tang ini, orang-orang yang tinggal bukan orang-orang kaya, jadi nggak ada rumah-rumah modern yang dibangun di sini. Mungkin itu salah satu alasan bangunan-bangunan tua di sini masih utuh semua. Bahkan di atas atap beberapa rumah tua di Xi Tang, tumbuh rumput-rumput yang tingginya sekitar 30 centimeter. Ini menandakan bahwa kemajuan, kedamaian dan keabadian rumah tersebut merupakan kemakmuran dari seluruh kota.

When I got out from the boat, I feel like in the other world. Walking along the corridor, watching the boats in the river, seeing around old shops along corridor and the seller, I feel drown into the meditation of the past. In the old town of Xi Tang, people who lives there are not rich, so no newer modern houses have been build there. That’s maybe one of the reasons why the old constructions are preserved as a whole almost without damage. On the roof s of some old houses in Xi Tang, the grass is about 30 centimeters tall. It is said that the spirit of the former owner of the house joints with the grass, making it flourish and blessing the peace and permanence of the house as well as the prosperity of the entire town.

Sampai di jembatan yang paling terkenal, gue lupa namanya, lumayan rame orang-orang berdesak-desakan untuk ambil photo. Habis ini tempat paling strategis dan keren untuk ambil gambar seluruh kota Xi Tang. Apalagi pas akhir film MI-3, film-nya nge-shoot Tom Cruise sama Michelle Monaghan di atas jembatan ini. Berdiri di atas jembatan ini, gue ngebayangin jadi Julia, tunangannya agent Ethan Hunt di MI-3 …. he he he he he he……

We were walking at the corridor until to the famous bridge. I forget the name of the bridge. So many people and crowded with people who would like took a picture in here due to this place very nice scene and strategic to take a picture of the whole town. Moreover, at the ending of MI-3 movie shot Tom Cruise and Michelle Monaghan on the bridge. Standing on the bridge, I image to be ‘Julia’ the fiancĂ© of agent Ethan Hunt in the MI-3 …. He he he he he he he…..

Snapshot 1

Ternyata sejak turun dari perahu, Koh Ian dan temen-temen group yang cowok diikutin sama 2 orang tukang semir sepatu. Adduuuhhh….gigihnya mereka merayu koh Ian dan yang lainnya untuk disemir sepatunya. Dari mintanya RMB 20, lama-lama turun jadi RMB 3.00. Akhirnya Koh Ian diikutin Pak Agus luluh juga dengan rayuan mereka … he he he he he ….. Yang menarik perhatian gue, biasanya kalau di Indonesia anak-anak kecil yang kerja jadi tukang semir sepatu di mall-mall ataupun di stasiun kereta. Sedangkan di sini, semua orang bisa melakukan, yang penting mereka bisa cari uang untuk makan. Mereka begitu semangat dan gembira sekali sewaktu berhasil merayu Koh Ian dan Pak Agus. Memang betul kalau orang-orang bilang kehidupan di China sangat keras dan orang mau bekerja apa saja asal bisa makan.

Actually since we got out from the boats, Mr. Ian and others were followed by 2 shoe polishers. Aaahhhh … They very persisted in to persuade Mr. Ian and others to polish their shoes. They offered from RMB 20 become RMB 3.00. Finally Mr. Ian and Mr. Agus gave up and let them to polished their shoes he he he he he … The interesting for me, I usually met kids doing this job at some malls and train station in Indonesia. But in here, everybody can to be anything as long as they can get money for buy foods. They were so enthusiasm and happy when Mr. Ian and Mr. Agus allowed their shoes to be polish. It right that people said live in Chine is very hard and people have to work hard.


Perjalanan dari Hangzhou ke Xi Tang lumayan jauh, kurang lebih 2,5 jam. Sepanjang jalan gue asyik ngeliatin orang-orang pergi ke kuil buat sembahyang di Tahun Baru China. Gue paling excited banget pergi ke kota Xi tang ini. Soalnya menurut informasi yang gue dapet di internet, kota ini tempat syutingnya film “Mission Impossible III”. Kebayang kan ….. gimana exciting-nya gue yang maniak nonton film. Pengambilan gambar pertama kali “Mission Impossible III” di lakukan Tom Cruise di kota kuno ini tanggal 24 November 2005. Sayang ya … kenapa gue nggak pergi pas tanggal itu … he he he he he….

The way trips Hangzhou to Xi Tang take about 2.5 hour. All along the road I enjoy to see people go to temple for praying in the Chinese New Year. I really excited to go to the Xi Tang town because from internet I got information that “Mission Impossible III” is shot here. You can image … how really exciting I am. I really like watch movie. The first scene in China of Mission Impossible III was shot on Novemver 24th, 2005. Tom Cruise performs during the shooting of “Mission Impossible III” in Xi Tang, an ancient town. Pity ya… why I was not go to Xi Tang on that time :-(

Begitu sampai Xi Tang, kita lunch dulu di sebuah restaurant di pinggir jalan besar. Menu lunch hampir sama seperti lunch kemaren. Selesai lunch, kita diajak ke Galeri Zhang Chen. Sebuah galeri yang memamerkan koleksi ukiran unik dari akar pohon. Pemiliknya sudah turun temurun mewarisinya. Sayangnya kita nggak boleh bikin photo-photo di sini. Jadi kita cukup puas dengan ngeliat-liat ukiran-ukiran antik dan sangat mahal di galeri ini.

When we arrived Xi Tang, first time we were visiting to Zhang Chen Gallery. It’s a gallery where unique exhibition center for root carving. The owners passed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately we couldn’t take pictures here. So we have to satisfy to see very expensive ancient wood carvings in this gallery.

Dari Zhang Chen Galeri, kita jalan ngelewatin lorong-lorong sempit yang sangat terkenal di kota Xi Tang ini. Kalo nggak salah sih orang-orang nyebutnya Shipi Lanes. Seru banget jalan di dalam lorong-lorong sempit di antara bangunan-bangunan kuno. Serasa ada di film-film kungfu China ….. he he he he he….. Malah pertama kali masuk lorong cuma muat untuk jalan satu orang. Lucunya lagi, lorong-lorong jalan di sini seperti tali yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Nggak peduli dari mana kita mulainya, pasti tetep aja nyampe ke semua tempat di kota Xitang ini. Kalo digambar kayak sarang laba-laba kali …. he he he he he …. Amazing ya….. :-)

From the Zhang Chen Gallery, we walked to famous narrow lines in the Xi Tang Town. People call Shipi Lanes. So excited walk at Xi Tang Town Lines between ancient buildings. Feel like we are in the Chinese movie. He he he he he he…..Moreover the first time we started walk, we walked at the space line for only one person to pass through at a time. The Interest things with the Lines are rope connecting the whole town into an organic net and no matter from which point you start, you can find any other place in the town. Amazing, isn’t it?

Kota Xi Tang merupakan salah satu dari 6 kota tradisional yang terkenal di China, diantaranya Zhou Zhuang, Tong Li, Lu Zhi, Wuzhen, Xi Tang, dan Nan Xun. Kota-kota ini semuanya merupakan bagian dari UNESCO World Heritage. Model arsitektur kota ini berasal dari Dynasty Ming dan Dynasty Qing. Penduduk di sini masih mempertahankan gaya kehidupan tradisional mereka. Bahkan peralatan-peralatan kuno pun masih mereka simpan dan mereka rawat sebagai kekayaan kota ini. Kita sempat diajak masuk ke salah satu rumah yang dulunya merupakan tempat pembuatan kancing baju secara traditional dari bahan kulit kerang. Semua peralatannya sangat kuno dan sederhana, tetapi masih berfungsi dengan baik. Menarik juga sih ngelihat orang-orang tua di situ memperagakan ke turis-turis bagaimana orang-orang jaman dulu mempergunakan peralatan tradisional dan antik tersebut.

Xi Tang is one of the 6 famous traditional towns in China, which included Zhou Zhuang, Tong Li, Lu Zhi, Wuzhen, Xi Tang, and Nan Xun. They are all part of UNESCO World Heritage. The architectures remain the style from Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. The residences in the town still keep their traditional way of living. Also their stuffs for living still keep as the town inheritance wealth. Our guide brings us to the traditional shirt button shell factory. All stuff factory in here very old and simple, but still working. It’s very interesting when we watch old people in here showing us how to make shirt button from shell using the traditional stuffs.

Senin, 11 Mei 2009



Setiap pagi kita punya schedule 6 7 8. Morning call jam 6 pagi, sarapan jam 7 pagi, dan berangkat tour jam 8 pagi. Sebenernya maleeeesss banget mau bangun. Kayaknya baru sebentar tidurnya. Tapi mau nggak mau musti bangun, mandi dan packing karena kita harus check out dari hotel. Sarapan pagi di hotel lumayan enak dan menunya American Breakfast. So banyak pilihan. Apalagi hari ini Tahun Baru China jadi banyak macem-macem jeruk tersedia untuk desert-nya.

Every morning we have schedule 6 7 8. Morning call on 06.00 am, breakfast on 07.00 am, and start tour on 08.00 am. Actually I was so lazy to wake up. I sleep like just an hour. But I have to wake up, take a shower, and packaging because we have to check out from the hotel. Our breakfast in the hotel is quiet good and American Breakfast menu. We have many choices. Moreover today is a Chinese New Year so many kind of orange for desert.

The West Lake Cruise

Ternyata tujuan tour pertama kita ke Danau Xihu lagi. Tapi kali ini kita naik perahu kayu mengelilingi danau. Waahhh…seru banget!! Sampai-sampai udara yang begitu dingin nggak berasa karena pemandangan sepanjang danau indah sekali, padahal pohon-pohon kering nggak ada daunnya. Gue bayangin gimana kalo musim semi….pohon-pohon hijau dan bunga-bunga warna-warni dimana-mana. Pasti cantik sekali.

Apparently our first destination tour today to Xihu lake again. But now we are going around by sheep from wood. Aaahhh…. Very fun! We don’t care anymore with cold weather because of the view of Xihu Lake is very beautiful even no leaves. I image how it is on the spring time …. Green trees and colorful flowers are in everywhere. I think it so beautiful!


Best Western Premier Hotel

Hotel pertama gue selama di China lumayan bagus dan bersih. Sekelas bintang 4 kalo untuk hotel city. Nih hotel lumayan terkenal di Hangzou. Juga memang biasa dipake untuk group-group terutama dari Indonesia. Gue sekamar dengan ibu-ibu tua yang gue lupa namanya. Naahh….yang seru nih waktu ngidupin pemanas ruangan. Tulisan yang ada di remote control tulisannya kriting semua. Alhasil bukannya ruangan tambah hangat malah kebalikannya….hi hi hi hi hi..... Mungkin tuh remote control pusing kali setelah gue pencet-pencet berkali-kali. Tapi akhirnya sih bisa juga gue menikmati kehangatan ruangan. Duuuhhh ….. rasanya pengen cepet-cepet mandi air hangat dan tidur. Badan udah capeknya setengah mati dan ngantuk karena semalem cuma dapet tidur sebentar di pesawat.

My first hotel in China was good and clean. It’s like 4 star city hotel and very famous in Hangzou. The hotel is accustomed to handle group, especially from Indonesia. My roommate is an old woman but unfortunately I forget her name J Aaaahh….the exciting thing when I try to turn on the room’s heater. All sign on the remote control was curly written. So the room was not to be warm but getting coldest because I turn on the air conditioner …. xi xi xi xi xi xi xi ……May be the remote control got headache because I press it many times. But finally I can enjoy with my warm room J Aaahhh …..I can not wait to take a shower and go to my bed. I am so tired and sleepy due to last night couldn’t sleep well and very short in the plane.

Firework Party

Hmmm….ini malam pertama gue tidur di China …. He he he he he …. Juga malam Tahun Baru China. Tapi rasanya kok sepi banget ya…nggak ada kehidupan. Di jalan pun nggak ada orang sibuk lalu lalang menyambut tahun baru kayak di Bali. Waaahhh….kalo di Bali sih super sibuk :-( Kemaren sebelum pergi aja udah banyak hiasan lampion, payung dan kipas warna merah di mana-mana. Juga bunga-bunga kecil warna pink, gue nggak tahu tuh nama bunganya. Kok suasana tahun baru China malah berasa di Bali ya ….. aneh gak sih…. Padahal jelas-jelas gue ada di Negara yang empunya hari raya tahun baru China :-(

Hmmm….this is my first night, I am sleeping at China. …. He he he he he….. also Chinese New Year Eve. But I feel so quiet ….. no life. On the read was not busy to welcome The New Year like in Bali. Aaahhh …. If in Bali, you will see how busy is. We can find red paper lantern, red umbrella, red fan, and small pink flowers in everywhere. I more feel Chinese New Year celebration in Bali then here. Looks strange…. Because I was in the country which should be celebrate it :-(

Selesai mandi gue dah mau langsung masuk tempat tidur ….. tapi tiba-tiba gue dikagetin bunyi-bunyi tembak-tembakan, persis kayak ada perang. Duuuhhh…serem banget rasanya. Meskipun rada takut gue paksain ngintip lewat jendela kamar. Yaa….ampun ternyata diluar kembang api dimana-mana. Keren banget! Akhirnya gue nggak jadi tidur malah bela-belain kedinginan karena jendela gue buka buat nonton pesta kembang api yang nggak berhenti sampai pagi. Gila! Orang China kaya bener ya…..

Finished shower, I almost go to my bed but suddenly I was shock with shooting sound, looks like on the war. Aahhh …. So scary! I look at the window. Wow …. !! I saw fireworks everywhere. Fantastic! So cool!! Even cold, I sit at the window and watch firework until morning. Crazy! Chinese peoples very rich!! ….


Tujuan kita selanjutnya adalah Kota kecil Dynasty Song untuk ngeliat pertunjukan yang sangat terkenal di Hangzhou. Kota kecil Dynasty song merupakan tempat hiburan pertama di Hangzhou yang menggambarkan 2 kebudayaan Dynasty Song. Cerita Roman dari Dynasty Song adalah sebuah pertunjukan bersekala besar – Sentuhan seribu tahun dari Kota Dynasty Song dan investasinya lebih dari RMB 100 juta dimana ada 300 aktor dan aktris yang tergabung di dalamnya. Setiap tahun sekitar 2 juta turis China maupun asing datang untuk nonton pertunjukan. Pertujukan ini menceritakan sejarah dan mitologi Hangzhou yang terbagi dalam empat episode: Palace Dancing, Shining Spears and Armored Heroes, Beautiful West Lake and Legend, and Worlds Meets Here. Karena dikemas dengan nyanyian, tarian dan acrobat serta ditambah teknologi yang canggih jadi menghasilkan konsep impian yang artistic banget dan punya pengaruh efek visual yang kuat. Pffuuuiihh…pokoknya keren dan megah banget. Alcazar Show di Pattaya – Thailand aja kalah jauh. Cerita Roman dari kota Dynasty song ini merupakan pertunjukan ketiga terbesar di dunia, diantaranya “Moulin Rouge” dari Paris dan the O’ Shoum di Las Vegas.

The next our destination was going to the Song Dynasty Town to watch the most famous performance in Hangzhou. Song Dynasty Town has been the first theme park in Hangzhou that reflects the culture of two Song Dynasties. The Romance of the Song Dynasty is a large-scale performance – “Thousand Year’s Feeling of Song Dynasty Town” and over 100 million RMB Yuan investment in which there are 300 actors. Every years 2 million Chinese and overseas tourists are thronging to watch the performance. The performance is base on the history and mythology of Hangzhou which is divided to be 4 episodes: Palace Dancing, Shining Spears and Armored Heroes, Beautiful West Lake and Legend, and Worlds Meets Here. Due to the show mixed by singing, dancing and acrobatics together, also to make full use of high technologies, it has created a dreamy artistic conception and strong visual impact. Pfffuuuiiihhh…. Very glorious and so cool! Much … much better than Alcazar Show at Pattaya – Thailand. The Romance of The Dynasty Song is one of the three great shows in the world, along with the “Moulin Rouge” in Paris and the “O Show in Las Vegas”.

Gue bener-bener menikmati pertunjukan The Romance of Song Dynasty Village ini. Semua actor berakting dan menari dengan sangat sempurna. So …sekarang waktunya makan malam, udah laper banget kita. Abis makan kita langsung ke hotel…. Huuuaaahhh…cuapek dan dingin banget hari ini!

I really enjoy with the performance. All actors were doing their performance perfectly. So …. Now time to go dinner, so hungry already. Then directly go to hotel. Hhhuuuuaaahhh….soooo.. tired and cold today!

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009


Tea Farm and Factory

So… dari Danau Barat yang cantik, kita dibawa guide ke perkebunan teh yang paling termasyur di China. Perkebunan ini dinamakan teh hijau Long Jing (atau juga dikenal dengan sebutan Dagon Well). Menurut legenda, seorang Kaisar yang yang menyamar menginap di sebuah rumah petani di sana. Di dalam mimpinya bahwa seluruh area dari bukit sampai ke lembah, bersembunyi seekor naga raksasa. Sang naga menampakan diri dalam mimpi sang Kaisar untuk menceritakan kebahagian di masa depan. Ketika dia terbangun, kemudian tempat itu dinamainya daerah Long Jing, Dragon Well.

So from the gorgeous West Lake, the guide brings us to the renowned teas farm in China. It’s called Long Jing Green Tea (or Dragon Well Tea). The Legend has it that a disguised emperor stayed there once in a farmhouse overnight. He hand a dream that the entire area, with all its hills and valleys, hid a giant sleeping dragon. The dragon chose to reveal itself to the dreaming emperor foretelling much glory ahead. When he woke up he named the region Long Jing, Dragon Well.

Di perkebunan teh, ada staff yang mempersilahkan kita masuk ke dalam suatu ruangan seperti ruangan meeting untuk memperkenalkan teh apa yang terbaik dan menyajikan contoh teh dengan caranya yang unik. Tadinya gue pikir teh di sini sama kayak teh hijau dari Jepang atau teh hijau dari China yang biasanya gue minum. Ternyata setelah gue cicipin, wow!!...... gue surprise banget! Rasanya beda dan enak banget tehnya. Gue penggemar teh tapi selama ini gue belum pernah ngerasain teh hijau seenak teh Long Jing. Ini teh paling enak yang pernah gue minum. Karyawan di situ bilang kalo kita nggak bakalan bisa dapetin teh seenak ini di manapun kecuali di perkebunan teh Long Jing karena tanaman teh ini dilindungi oleh pemerintah China dan pemerintah mensubsidi petani teh di Hangzou ini supaya perkebunan teh ini tetap beroperasi. Itu sebabnya penduduk di Hangzou lebih makmur daripada penduduk kota lainnya.

At the tea farm, the staff brings my group to the room to give a brief introduction what tea is the best and serve a sample of tea with their unique style. First time I thought that the tea same like Japanese green tea or Chinese green which I usually drink. But I after I taste it, wow …!! I was surprised! It’s very different and very good. I love tea but I never found a tea like Long Jing tea. This is the best tea which I ever tasted. The tea staff told us that we can’t get Long Jing tea anywhere else in the world and only can buy it at Hangzou, because it’s protected by China government and the government subside tea farmer to guards this commodity running. That’s why Hangzou people more prosperous than others city.

Daun teh China Long Jing atau Dragon Well memiliki empat perbedaan yang sangat mencolok yaitu dari warna hijaunya, aromanya yang harum, bentuknya yang indah, dan rasanya yang manis. Ini kemudian dibedakan menjadi 5 kategori yang termasuk di dalamnya Lion (Shifeng), Dragon (Long Jing), Cloud (Yungqi), Tiger (Hupao) and Mei (Meijiawu). Diantara kelima kategori itu, jenis Lion yang mutunya paling bagus.

Long Jing or Dragon Well Chinese Tea leaves has four extremes in green color, fragrant aroma, nice shape, and sweet taste. It can be divided into five categories including Lion (Shifeng), Dragon (Long Jing), Cloud (Yungqi), Tiger (Hupao) and Mei (Meijiawu). Among them, the Lion is the first grade.

Ada beberapa ruangan yang sama untuk memperkenalkan teh Long Jing seperti yang mereka lakukan ke group gue dan pas kita keluar ruangan di situ ada ruangan display tempat pengunjung yang ingin membeli teh. Tadinya gue pengen beli beberapa kaleng teh untuk oleh-oleh staff Jepang di kantor tapi gue surprise banget begitu tahu harganya. Wow!!!.... muahalnya amit-amit. Untuk setengah kilo teh harganya RMB 500.00. Kalo dirupiahin sekitar Rp 825.000,00. Kita boleh mengemas sendiri sih tapi cuma jadi 3 kaleng kecil (kayak kaleng coca cola). So gue nggak tertarik lagi untuk beli meskipun mereka nawarin discount ataupun bonus. Aaaah…. Satu lagi yang menarik dan jadi tontonan lucu buat gue, staff yang memperkenalkan teh Long Jing nggak bisa bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris sama sekali ….he he he he he he…..Hebatnya kok ya…. orang-orang di group gue nih ngerti aja yang diomongin dia…. Huahahahahhahahhaha …..cuma pas nawar harga tetep aja sih minta tolong koh Ian jadi translater :-)

There are several rooms to give introduction like they gave to my group and then when we leave of course there is a guest shop. I was thinking may be I would buy some tea as a give for my Japanese staff in the office but I was surprised when I knew the price. Wow!!! … so expensive! We have to expenses RMB 500.00 for half kilogram tea. It’s about Rp 750.000,00. We can put in the cans package by our self but only become 3 small cans (like soft drink cans, such as coca cola cans). So I am not interesting anymore to buy even they were offering some discount and bonus. Aaaahh….one interesting thing which though funny was the tea staff who gave brief tea introduction didn’t speak bahasa or English …..hehehehhehehehe…. the great thing … everybody in my group understand what she speaks …. Huahahhahahahahahahha…. Only when they bargain the price, they asked Mr. Ian our tour leader to be translator :-)

To Be Continue ......